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I'd wanted to be a trapeze artist when I grew up. A lack of family connections with circus professionals led me instead to train in classical ballet and contemporary dance.


In my education and experience I went on to explore theater, film-studies, creative writing and mysticism. I received my BA from the University of Minnesota and graduated with honors from Horst, the Aveda Institute.

During my twenties my gypsy-soul took me wandering. Ultimately, I settled in southern coastal California, where, after establishing my skills in the salon industry, I went on to become primary makeup artist to a professional photographer.

Once back in my native Minneapolis I quickly became a respected name in the print and production industry. My love of being a part of this collaborative, creative industry continues.


My childhood dream of flying through the air still lives in me! These days, however, I fulfill the thrill through airplane flights to faraway lands.

I love what I do.

I do what I love!  â€‹



…Never lose your openness, your childish enthusiasm,

throughout the journey that is life…


~Federico Fellini

My expertise in makeup, hair and wardrobe includes all genres of still and moving pictures including HD.
Highly adept at airbrush, traditional techniques and basic SFX, my skill and experience ensure natural and beautiful results making talent look their best so you look your best.

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